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Not just tuition; Motivation
Success is ..what you decide it to be | What is the relationship between managing our emotions and educational achievement? What stops you or your child from achieving the best that is possible for him or her? Do any of these sound familiar? "I'm not in the mood to study right now." What all of these statements are actually saying is, "My emotions are in control and I can't manage them, even though at the back of my mind, something tells me that I'm going to regret these decisions, but I just don't know how to change these feelings." Well, what if you could? What if you could decide to like something and you could do it? What if you could you could decide to enjoy studying and going to school and it would just happen? That's the magic of emotion management. It's not a matter of can't, it a question of "how can I?"
Motivation to Study, KS1 - KS4, English, ICT, Mathematics, Single/Double Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Blogs